reduce pembazirannn
Global-warming is certainly a hot topic now. Unless we forgot, the cause of it is us – how we manage our daily lives. There is still room for change, and that means serious action. The key word is WASTE. If we can reduce pembazirannn, we are doing a lot.
Save energy:
1. Use fluorescent lights instead of incandescent bulbs: it cuts
2. Keep the fridge 2/3 full to save energy. Clean the coils at the back annually to keep it efficient, open the door as little as possible, and don’t set the thermostat too cold.
3. For computers, use the energy-saving features: sleep mode or just switch off when not in use. Avoid screensavers: they don’t work on modern LCD screens and doesn’t reduce energy use. Monitors takes up 80% of the energy used.
Save water:
1. Shower, don’t bath: it uses 2/3 less water than a bath.
2. Nurture your garden: water plants with watering can, not hose or sprinkler, and use rainwater or water recycled from the fish tank. Water plants in the morning or at night when there’s less evaporation.
3. Think before you flush: install dual-flush toilets or flush manually using a small bucket if it’s a small job. Each flush uses 15-20litres of water. A lot.
4. Turn the tap off while brushing teeth/ shaving. You’ll save up to 4.5litres of water.
Reduce those wastes:
1. Don’t throw away empty plastic bags: reuse them for lining garbage bins or packing items.
2. Donate old unneeded items to charity: there are places that accept clothes, furniture, textiles to sell for funds or distribute to those in need.
3. Use paper wisely: print only when necessary. Use small margins and possibly small fonts for non-formal prints. Check for errors before printing and use both sides of paper.
Every small act counts, because there’re a lot of us. Reduce pembazirann. And do it because it’s the right thing to do: don’t waste things just because somebody else is paying for them.
Taken and edited. Source: Reader’s Digest Nov06 “In Our Hands” and The Star June06 “Ways To Save Water”
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