of eating. of eating less.
Knowledge is not fitting for someone who eats until he is full - Sahnun
My son, when the intestines are full, reflection sleeps, wisdom is dumb and the limbs falter in worship - Luqman's wisdom
One of the salaf said, "Do not eat a lot so that you drink a lot and then sleep a lot and lose a lot."
Sufyan ath-Thawri said, "By having only a little food, one is able to stay awake at night."
With the abundance of food nowadays, (oh, in Malaysia truly Asia especially. Food 24/7.) it is only logical for us to eat to our hearts' content.
Or is it really logical? Which kind of logic are we following then, the logic of our nafs or our aql?
Sharing some advice, in a book it said: "Both the Arabs and men of wisdom continue to praise making do with little of them and censured having too much of them because indulging in a lot of food and drink indicates greed, avarice, avidity and being dominated by appetite. That results in harm in this world and the Next. It brings about physical illnesses, coarseness in the self and dullness in the brain. A little of it in dicates contentment and self-control. Resraint of the appetite produces health, clear thought and a sharp mind."
That's why Islam have fasting as one of the 5pillars. And in case we didn't get the hint, don't only restrict fasting to Ramadhans. There's no harm but plain benefits to do puasa sunat.
Remember : the benefit's on you. Especially us students! (read the quotes again lest you have short memory loss)
Let's lay out the logic:
Less food = fasting.
Fasting = clear mind. Clear mind = easier absorption of knowledge.
Less food = aids staying awake at night. Staying awake at night = qiamullail.
Qiamullail = clear mind. Clear mind = easier absorption of knowledge.
Less food = easier absorption of knowledge.
A bit like spm's modern maths i guess.
Abu Sa'id al Khudri (Allah be pleased with him) reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: "Every servant of Allah who observes fast for a day in the way of Allah, Allah would remove, because of this day, his face farther from the Fire (of Hell) to the extent of seventy years' distance." [Sahih Muslim]
Let's not let our stomach rule our brain then, right?
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